Sunday, June 26, 2016

Indie Crew App - Community Based

The three biggest challenges with Independent Cinema are raising money, having time and getting people for your crew. In this digital movie age, filmmakers can tell their stories from anywhere in the world. If you're lucky enough to raise the money and block out a few weeks of time for the production then their only other obstacle is finding crew members.

The Indie Crew App can help.

Indie Crew (IC) is a social sharing app designed for people interested in working on film and television productions. The app will develop a community of filmmakers in your home state and help seek out local people for productions. The difference between IC and other apps/websites like Stage 32 or is that IC is solely local community based. Each state will have their own database of crew members to choose from. If a production spans across multiple states, IC provides the freedom to select crew members from those locations. This will save productions the added crew cost of travel and living expense.

IC awards active members by offering incentives for productions. Claim prizes such as free catering for a production, discounts at rental houses, access to casting offices and audition spaces. IC members are encouraged to write recommendations for other members. These will appear on members profile pages and provide insight for future employers.

As mentioned, the app has a secondary purpose of creating a film community. Filmmaking is a collaborative craft. It requires a large group of people to buy into the same idea: To tell a great story. It takes a village to make a movie. IC is a tool to help build that village. 

There is no charge to registering with IC. Simply create a profile, browse the app and build a film community.

1 comment:

  1. I like this app, I think that it is unique because of what Indie related films it is gearing toward. I am also somewhat confused about how people are supposed to find each other- just by state? Or locally? Do people already know of each other? Would they not want to have too many people knowing about their projects/films that they're working on in regards to how it seems, as you have previously mentioned, this area of film is selective? If you have a lot of people working together- the app just finds people that want to work with you? Just throwing some questions out there.

