Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Publishing Plan

My article deals with the decision most modern filmmakers are faced with these days in this digital landscape - Do I shoot a web series or a short film?

Each has their own advantages and disadvantages, but I'll leave that for the article.

My publishing plan would be for an on-line source. Most people thinking about creating a web series are working in the digital field, so they would find this article easier on-line.

Some publications I would approach could be:

Filmmaker Magazine - This site is a bit high-brow, so I would have to tailor the article a bit. Maybe leave out the familiarity-like way I write. A bit more formal, perhaps. (not like that last sentence)

IndieWire or IndieSlate - I grouped these two publications together because they are basically the same type of magazine. Their articles seem to be more towards indie film (feature), but that doesn't mean their readers are not dealing with the same questions my article would address.

IndieFilmNYC - Full disclosure. I know the editor and have written for this site before. So there's a good chance I could get the article on the site. I'm really not bragging because the article needs work, but the subject matter falls right in line with what IndieFilmNYC is trying to do.

There are countless other e-zines I could approach. This topic is one, I know, filmmakers think about constantly and it would be extremely useful with their decision on which way to turn - web series or short film. But something else happened as I wrote this article. I imagined it not as just an article, but a series of them. I grouped different aspects of creating the content in the article, but I could easily branch off from there and create articles for each topic.

Not sure how to pitch a series to an e-zine since it's not just one piece being published. How would you pitch that to a publication that you've never written for before?

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