Monday, August 1, 2016

IndieApp Campaign

Be original. Be creative.

Easier said than done, but let's get the basics out of the way.

It should be every new venture's first step. Create a Twitter handle. It's one of the best ways to connect with your audience, with the world. The way you use Twitter also helps a great deal, but we're starting with the basics right now. Hopefully, we can land "@IndieApp" as our handle and once that's set we have an open connection to help gather our audience.

We'll create an IndieApp page which will be used to primarily increase our reach to our audience. Since filmmaking is a young man and woman's game, it's worth noting the level of reach we would have on Facebook. The site has a higher demographic of older users to newer users, which isn't to say that young filmmakers aren't creating accounts. They might not be checking them as much.

It's a no-brainer that we'll be a presence on Vine, a social media platform with a focus on visual storytelling makes perfect sense for the IndieApp. "6-second stories" could be a great social media campaign on Vine. We challenge indie filmmakers to tell a story with the constraints of Vine, which could be opened up to contests and giveaways. A great tool for IndieApp.

Another visual social media portal that IndieApp can use to its advantage. Connecting with the young demographic that utilizes SnapChat more than other generations is a paramount to keep IndieApp relevant as the years progress. Much like Vine, SnapChat can be used as a story device for filmmakers. A documentary style of filmmaking could be a better on SnapChat.

The visual is what Instagram is all about. Yes, the video component can be utilized much the same way that SnapChat and Vine would be, but the power of Instagram is in its photos. IndieApp would use Instagram as a behind the scenes tool from work on other indie filmmaker's projects to what goes into working on the IndieApp.

These are probably the five top social media portals, IndieApp would have a presence at the start. Obviously, there are others that we could use and promote the brand of IndieApp, but for now, we'll start slow and then grow when needed.

Be Original. Be Creative.

What to do when on these portals is the real question. Yes, IndieApp will have its own website/blog which would contain articles on the business side of independent cinema, production stories from filmmakers and other content all focused on getting films made and distributed. The five portals (Twitter, Facebook, Vine, SnapChat and Instagram) are designed to bring traffic to the IndieApp website. But how?

As much as Vimeo appeals to me as a filmmaker, I believe YouTube has a greater reach for us in terms of finding our audience. It's also name brand recognition for audiences outside of the indie film world. Remember, we may attract people who have thoughts of becoming indie filmmakers. They're not entrenched in this world yet, so the gamble is that they would know about YouTube first over Vimeo. A gamble we're willing to make. (Plus, who says we can't just include Vimeo in the fold later) Again, this is to start out.

Film Festivals
IndieApp needs to be on the festival circuit. That's where the indie filmmakers are, so that's where IndieApp needs to be. A team of journalists and filmmakers scouring the country, hitting festivals after festival and watching movies. Interviewing people. Creating 6-second interviews for Vine. Cutting 3-5 minute run-downs of films for our YouTube channel. Long-form articles to the website, reviewing the movies and spreading the word on some of these lesser-known indie films looking for a distribution home.

Contests and Giveaways
 - One-page writing contests and Five-page writing contests. Winners could get their scripts produced.
 - Participatory giveaways to promote audience interaction on the website.

IndieApp has a responsibility to make sure every indie filmmaker has the tools and knowledge to further their careers as storytellers. No better way to do this than hold workshops on all different aspects of filmmaking.
 - Production - Directing, Screenwriting, cinematography, grip and electric, production design, set design, art department
 - Post-Production - Editing, Marketing, Sound Design

The promotion of knowledge is a vital part of the IndieApp. All content created by the IndieApp would be in service of providing knowledge for the indie filmmakers that would visit the website and other social media portals. Growing a community requires consistent updates on our social media portals and creative ways to bring future storytellers to the website. What has been listed above is just a start. If we remain focused on our motto, then our community will continue to grow.

Be Original. Be Creative.


  1. Alex,

    Have you looked into Tumblr yet? That is a very powerful medium for multimedia blogging. You can easily post pictures, videos and text. And it all looks great. You can also get an app to post on all of your social media accounts at once. Maximize your reach!

    Nice work,
    Ivan Vagari

  2. Captain Fancy Pants here,

    I agree with Ivan, Tumbler would be another beneficial medium that will help your campaign. I liked how you divided your analysis and ideas by different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. Each platform offers a new challenge for potential film makers. Creating a Vine seems difficult due to the fact you only have 6 seconds to portray some type of message and to evoke a response from your audience. Great campaign ideas.

    Captain Fancy Pants
